Women's Health From Menarche to Motherhood to Menopause and the Years Beyond

Having completed my apprenticeship with Alexandra Pope I am now qualified as a Menstruality Educator and Workshop Facilitator.


What exactly does this mean? Menstruality is a word to describe women's physical, psychological and spiritual journey from the time of their first period (menarche) through their menstruating years to menopause and beyond.


I have always attracted mainly women to my homeopathy practice and so have had many years' experience of women coming to see me for homeopathy with every female ailment you can think of, including menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms, health issues during pregnancy and childbirth and other health problems like endometriosis, recurring thrush or other infections. Homeopathy is a powerful tool for healing these issues but if a woman is not in tune with her menstrual cycle she may heal from one health problem only to encounter another. The physical symptoms are messages telling the woman she needs to connect with her cycle and her feminine aspect.




This is a photo of me with Alexandra Pope's new book, Wild Power, co-written with Sjane Hugo Wurlitzer. This book is about helping women discover a new conscious way of living based on the power of the menstrual cycle.


This is something I am offering mentoring for, to support women in the process of reclaiming their feminine power and learning how to connect with their cycle. My work in the Red Tent is another part of the network of support a woman can find once she embarks on this journey towards her true nature.